School Documentation

School documentation such as the Annual Improvement Plan (AIP), School Report to the Community, and the Strategic Plan is essential for transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement. The AIP sets annual goals, the School Report informs stakeholders about progress and achievements, and the Strategic Plan provides a long-term vision and roadmap for success. Together, they ensure structured and coherent progress towards educational excellence.

Strategic Plan

Every four years, Roxburgh Homestead Primary School devises a strategic plan that delineates its goals and targets. This document detaisl the school's focus and direction for the specified period.

Strategic Plan

Annual Implementation Plan

Annually, Roxburgh Homestead Primary School crafts an Annual Implementation Plan, delineating the specific actions and goals for the upcoming year. The Principal provides regular progress reports to the School Council to inform the community and ensure progress is achieved.  

Implementation Plan

Annual Report to the Community

The Annual Report to the school community offers a valuable platform to showcase the achievements and progress of the year.  It reflects on the school's performance and the impact of improvement objectives on student outcomes.

Aligned with the Education State's dedication to fostering pride and trust in government schools, the Annual Report underscores the significance of transparent communication regarding school performance with our communities.

Drawing from data and reflections of the preceding year, the Annual Report to the Community is presented to the school council and the wider school community during the Annual General Meeting (AGM).  The AGM Presentation takes place annually in the middle of the year.

Annual Report